Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sherrod Brown on Radio

Sen. Sherrod Brown was on the radio this morning.  WFIN:

Senator Sherrod Brown talked with WFIN's Chris Oaks about a variety of issues this morning; among them responding to accusations from Republican Josh Mandel that Brown had been involved in some "shady doings." Brown says his opponent in the November election is off base... 

Brown added he's been very careful about fundraising, and said that if he received contributions like Mandel did, he would have sent the money back right away. The $105,000 in question has been given back by the Mandel campaign.

In news not related to political mudslinging, Brown talked about the farm bill, the vast majority of which pays for programs like food stamps and WIC. Brown says proposed cuts to those programs not only hurt people in need, but farmers too... (Audio Below)

>>>>>  Do you think that Josh Mandel is disappointed about yesterday's vote about mercury?  Here is an article from the Dispatch:

The Senate rejected a measure yesterday that would have killed a proposed rule by the federal government to impose tighter restrictions on mercury emissions by coal-fired utility plants.

By a vote of 53-46, the Senate handed environmentalists a major victory by killing the amendment sponsored by Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, voted for the measure while Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, opposed it....

Does Mandel like mercury in his water, air, food, and soil?  Does he think it is okay for children to consume things in the environment that could harm them.  Doesn't Josh Mandel realize that by controlling the amount of mercury in our environment we save money in the future costs of medical treatment? Do those coal miners realize that Josh Mandel is against safety requirements in the mines? Mandel thinks that regulations are bad----even if they protect lives.  

How much has the coal and mining industries given to Josh Mandel???  If you give money to Mandel, does he go out and represent your interests?  It certainly seems like it.

>>>  Ed Henry, reporter for Fox, is a real tool.  Jay Carney just said that Ed Henry had been doing some "...selective listening..."  Right. In the White House briefing room, Ed Henry is being rude and hogging the time and attention of Carney.

>>>>  President Obama has used "Executive Privilege" for the first time, while former President George W. Bush used it six times.