Friday, March 30, 2012

Does Josh Mandel support arsenic in drinking water?

*  Josh Mandel's campaign has been very lucky with some contributions.  By stating that he thinks the EPA's rules are too strict,  Josh Mandel's campaign is bringing in the big dough from those companies and industries that are major polluters.  Mandel has become a BFF with companies that want to rollback the rules about how much mercury, arsenic, and benzene they can dump into our water systems and the air that we breathe. 

In an email obtained by the Plain Dealer, Josh Mandel released this:

"Here they come....Sherrod Brown's deep-pocketed fringe environmental friends have begun their war on Ohio Marine Josh Mandel, in their attempt to stop Josh from shaking up Washington."

Ray Yonkura, Mandel's campaign manager, sent it to supporters today in an email. In one sentence alone, he has "deep-pocketed" people (rather than the wealthy, or job creators, or champions of free enterprise). He has fringe environmentalists. And, by golly, they are at war with a Marine who only wants to shake up things in Washington.....

Hmmm.  I'm not a "deep-pocketed" person, and I certainly don't consider myself part of any "fringe" group. I'm a woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a pet owner, and I want my family (and pets) to have safe, clean, drinkable water and clean, unpolluted air.  Is that too much to ask????

If you'd like some arsenic or mercury in your drinking water or in water that you add to the baby formula powder, your candidate is definitely Josh Mandel.  Josh Mandel doesn't seem to care that you and your children will suffer health problems, mental illnesses, and possibly become incapacitated because his polluter friends are pouring in the cash to his campaign. 

While I honor his service to the military, it is unnecessary for Josh Mandel to repeat that he served in the Marines in every news release, every email, and every speech.  I've had family members die in service to our country, others that survived previous wars, and some are serving overseas today.  Those that have passed away never bragged like a school boy about their service. They acted honorably and decently, and only told about their service when asked.  Today, my family and friends that have served and those that continue to serve in wars don't brag about their military service to get attention. 

  Here are just a few of the questions I'd like Josh Mandel answer:

1.  What are Josh Mandel's qualifications for being a U.S. Senator? 
 2.  Did he ever take his law boards? Why or why not? If he did, does he plan to take them again, since he obviously did not pass?
3.  What are his goals, and plans if he is elected?
4.  Did he support the Lilly Ledbetter Act? 
5.  Is he for or against a woman's reproductive freedom? 
6.  Does he think Social Security should be privatized? 
7.  Since he supports the Paul Ryan plan to privatize Medicare and give vouchers to seniors, does he understand the ramifications to seniors? Does he know anyone personally that survives only on Social Security and Medicare?
8.   Are the lovely ladies and gentlemen at Menorah Park in Beachwood, Cedar Village in Mason, Covenant House in Dayton, Heritage Manor in Youngstown, Friendship Village in Dublin, and other Ohio senior residences okay with an end to Medicare?  Do these senior citizens feel that they are capable of dealing with a health care voucher and searching for health insurance on their own?

9.  Does Mandel think that college students should be able to vote where they attend college?
10.  Should only a photo identification be used to qualify a person to vote?
11.  Does he support public schools?
12.  Why did he support SB 5?
13.  Why did he vote against a bill to end discriminatory practices in employment and housing when he served in the Ohio General Assembly?
14.  Why does he think that what he says in a speech should not be heard by the public?
15.   Which members of the Republican Party are advising him? 
16.   Why does he think that going to a political event is more important than attending a Board of Deposits meeting?
17.  Which unelected staff members are doing his job while he is out of the office?
18.  Why was going to the Bahamas to meet payday lenders so important?
19.  Why was Josh Mandel against saving the American auto industry and hundreds of thousands of jobs?

I'm sure I'll think of more questions for Josh Mandel. I'd like to suggest that we start demanding answers from Josh Mandel.  The same talking point answers are old and do not provide specific details.  Ohio voters need more than those tired old lines.

The Youngstown Vindicator has something to add:

....The ambitious Mandel started raising money for his Senate campaign about five minutes after his four-year term as state treasurer began in January 2011....

....He has such a small political track record. He never sponsored a bill approved by the Ohio House while serving there. But Republicans definitely like what he has to say as he travels across the country speaking to supporters who shower him with money.

As for being treasurer, Mandel touts the office’s success even though it’s obvious he’s spent a lot more time focusing on running for Senate than running the treasurer’s office....

Mandel needs to spend more time on his current job instead of letting someone else do it.