Sunday, April 25, 2010

The NRSC Won't Get a Penny From US!

Even though my husband and I are Democrats, we keep getting these Republican surveys, requests for donations, and other junk mail. We recently received the Republican Senate Leadership Survey and I thought I'd share some of the questions with all of you.

1. In general, are you pleased with the direction of the country?

10. Are you in favor of raising the age of eligibility for Social Security?

Get a load of this question---

17. Are you in favor of unionizing positions with the Department of Homeland Security such as airport screeners who could endanger our national security or bring commerce and travel in out country to a standstill?

24. Are you in favor of creation of a new federal government bureaucracy to oversee and administer healthcare insurance, set prices for health services and act as the "single payer" of all healthcare expenses?

29. Do you support a Constitutional Amendment to protect traditional marriage between a man and a woman?

Here is another question that is unacceptable---

32. Do you support the Democrats' efforts to wipe-out all state laws regulating or restricting abortion?

33. Do you believe that voters have turned away from the principles and ideals of the "Reagan Revolution" -lower taxes, smaller government and a strong, proud America?

(Did you notice that they didn't mention the deficit left by Reagan?)

Of course, at the end of this "survey" (which the Republicans will never read), they ask for money!!!! Here is the part of the "survey" that shows that the Republicans have no mercy in getting their donations-------

No. I do not wish to participate in this survey, nor do I wish to make a donation....... I am returning my Survey Document along with a contribution of $11 to help cover the cost of tabulating and redistributing my Survey.

Note: I didn't ask for the survey and I do not need to send these Republican bozos money. Somehow the soliciting of money for something you did not ask for seems inappropriate and unethical. Then again, we are talking about Republicans!!!!

My advice---- If you get one of the scam surveys from the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee), do not send it back and do not give them any money.

The NRSC is the organization that gave you Senators Ensign, Vitter, Santorum, McConnell, and McCain. I don't need to say anything else.