Monday, June 07, 2010

Ohio Charter Schools = Money Pits

I had a conversation with a teacher that works at one of Ohio's charter schools. The teacher told me that the school had no windows in the classrooms, no area for outside play, no books, and a principal that did not have the proper certification. Yet our Ohio tax dollars continue to fund these worthless schools where children are being warehoused ---- not educated. The only people benefiting from the charter schools are the multi-millionaire owners and the Ohio Republican politicians who receive those huge campaign contributions from them.

* A new poll? Politics Daily is reporting that a new Rasmussen Poll has Democrat Lee Fisher and Republican Rob Portman tied. Rob Portman, friend of the Bush family and former member of the last Bush administration, is trying to shake off questions about how China got so many of our jobs.

Plunderbund has a great post about Rob Portman and his ties to oil and gas, as well as Halliburton.