Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Alternative to Boehner?

Remember when Republican leader, John Boehner, said this--
(from Business reporting about the work of Talking Points Memo)

"I think the people responsible in the oil spill--BP and the federal government--should take full responsibility for what's happening there," Boehner said at his weekly press conference this morning.

Boehner's statement followed comments last Friday by US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue who said he opposes efforts to stick BP, a member of the Chamber, with the bill. "It is generally not the practice of this country to change the laws after the game," he said. "Everybody is going to contribute to this clean up. We are all going to have to do it. We are going to have to get the money from the government and from the companies and we will figure out a way to do that."

So today I asked Boehner, "Do you agree with Tom Donohue of the Chamber that the government and taxpayers should pitch in to clean up the oil spill?" The shorter answer is yes....

John Boehner owns BP stock and has received campaign donations from the BP North America PAC.  It does seem that Boehner is just a little too close to this BP situation.  Besides, isn't Boehner always saying that government needs to be smaller and not pay for everything?  Do his ties to BP make him less trustworthy?  Why should anyone listen to Boehner's suggestion because he could benefit in one form or another from BP having to spend less money on the clean up operations?

When Boehner said that the government (you and me as taxpayers) should pay for the cleanup, was he speaking as a stockholder or politician with money from BP?

In the fight for a cleaner environment, oil and other fossil fuels are stumbling blocks.  We must move beyond fossil fuels and explore better ways of fueling things that use American innovation.  Why are the Republicans against working for a cleaner environment?  Do they like that yummy oil money more than their constituents?  I think that has the right idea:

(Youtube: Votevets "On Guard")

Did you know that Democrat, Justin Coussoule, is running against Boehner for Ohio's 8th district?  Coussoule thinks we should have sustainable energy solutions because our dependence on oil threatens our national security. Visit the  Coussoule for Congress website or Justin Coussoule on Facebook.