Sunday, August 24, 2008

Making A Choice

Every four years, we have a chance to evaluate what has happened in our country and where we'd like our country to go.
Here is a brief summary of what the Republican Bush administration has given us:

1. Bush invaded Iraq, based on a lie. As a result, 4,146 Americans have been killed in Iraq, along with 30,000 American wounded.

2. The Bush administration introduced other words into our American vocabulary: IEDs, Abu Ghraib torture, unarmored Humvees, troops without bullet proof clothing, dirty drinking water given to our troops, hundreds of thousands of homeless military vets, a poorly run veterans' medical system, failure to capture Bin Laden, failure to go after the groups that planned 9/11, the failures of an unfunded No Child Left Behind Act, releasing the name of an undercover CIA agent, manipulation of our energy policy with cooperation of Bush-Cheney, Blackwater, etc., etc., etc.

3. The Bush-Cheney years created havoc in our banking system. Thousands and thousands of Americans lost their homes.

4. I cannot possibly continue because I will make myself physically ill.

We can spend years examining the complete failures of the Bush administration, or we can decide to pick ourselves up, and change the course. Senators Obama and Biden can give our nation the chance to get back to basics------ creating good jobs, health care, protecting our children and seniors, and making our country respected in the world. Obama and Biden can be agents of change for us and our families.


Americans can support McCain----a crusty, old guy with an anger management problem. McCain makes no apologies for his support of the Bush administration. A major problem with McCain is that he is out of touch with the lives of regular American people. He has never held a job outside of government. He has never had to face layoffs, losing his medical insurance, or losing his retirement benefits. He and his wife own 7 or 8 homes (they're not even sure). The man didn't even know what kind of car he drove and he had to ask his staff. Last year, the McCains had a payroll of over $250,000 for their employees!!!! McCain is proud of the fact that a majority of his campaign staff are lobbyists. Are these people working for the common good of the American people or their clients?

We have to change the course of our country. Obama and Biden will provide us with fresh ideas, an infusion of enthusiasm, and programs to get our people back to work. Our time is now.

Don't delay. Visit and see how you can help. Don't forget to get your bumper stickers!!!!