Wednesday, August 06, 2008

'Wrinkly White-Haired Dude" aka John McCain

Paris Hilton's response to McCain's celebrity ad was very funny. Paris aptly called McCain "...the wrinkly white-haired dude..." in the video by Funny or Die featured on You Tube. Great job, Paris.

McCain appeared at the huge annual motorcycle event that can bring 500,000 bikers to Sturgis, South Dakota. Unfortunately for McCain, all those bikers did not show up for him. Since McCain is unable to attract a throng of people anywhere in the world, as Barack Obama did in Berlin with 200,000 people, McCain went to Sturgis to a trapped audience. However, according to KEVN-TV, only 3,000 to 4,000 people were in front of the stage where McCain appeared. The crowd was not necessarily there to see McCain, because they were waiting for a Kid Rock concert. Poor, old, 'wrinkly white-haired dude' McCain can't even muster up his own crowd.

In the video, at 2:33, McCain offers his wife for competition in the Miss Buffalo Chip contest. The contest is one in which nude and semi-nude women compete. I think that McCain's remarks are very disrespectful toward his wife.

In the You Tube video that shows John McCain's speech on the stage at Sturgis, he seems very ill at ease when he is not speaking from his prepared notes. If you watch the video, pay special attention starting at 3:14 when McCain can't even properly say $4/gallon for gas. This is sad. Since McCain has little experience pumping his own gas, he doesn't even have the proper words to describe the activity of pumping gas. (Those $500 Ferragamo shoes must do something to the brain.)

John McCain just seems so out of touch and so desperate. He also seems angry, cynical, and sarcastic. (Can you imagine the international incidents McCain's demeanor could create?) McCain has solidly stood with George W. Bush and his failed policies. McCain's campaign seems unable to bring fresh new ideas to the public. They seem to be recycling the same old Bush policies and the Bush political campaign smears. Haven't we had enough of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/McCain agenda?

Are you better off today than you were 8 years ago? Do you want a better future for your children and grandchildren? It is time to support Barack Obama for fresh, intelligent leadership that will guarantee our children and grandchildren a future.