Sunday, May 06, 2012

14,000 > 200

President and Mrs. Obama were in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday.

A woman remarked to me that she like Michelle Obama because she liked shopping at Target, just like she did.  People that were able to meet and speak with President and Mrs. Obama said that they were nice, engaging, and polite. 

On many levels, people can relate to President Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama because of their working class roots, and their understanding of the challenges of raising a family. People believe that President and Mrs. Obama share their values and understand that when we all succeed, the country succeeds. When everyone has a job, can support their families, students can go to college, and our society can help provide for the poor and elderly, our country is better for it.

President Obama addressed a crowd of 14,000 people at the Schottenstein Center on the campus of the Ohio State University. The rally was open to the general public. 

According to, on April 27, 2012, when Mitt Romney visited Otterbein:

....The event was open only to invited participants, including seven students involved in a round table discussion with Romney. Five more students were invited to stand on stage during Romney’s speech to the 200 invited guests in Battelle’s Riley Auditorium, according to Dean of Student Affairs, Robert Gatti.....

Isn't that just like Romney?  Only specially invited guests were invited to his talk.  Isn't that the way Romney operates------ only a chosen few will have success.  In Romney's world, only the rich get the tax cuts, college students are supposed to borrow money from their parents, and the elderly get vouchers for their Medicare.