Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Make Your Choice

* Right wingers in Ohio keep tweeting the same message:Twitter-- ".....conservatives rally around Josh Mandel..." They should keep putting out the same words because it just turns off more Ohio voters. Ohio is not a conservative state, especially after we've had John Kasich as the governor.

People that are against equal pay for women and men....
People that are against reproductive freedom for women....
If you want poor performing charter schools to misuse your tax money.....
If you believe the wealthy need more tax cuts.....
If you were against President Obama saving the American auto industry......
If you believe that workers should not be able to speak up for their safety on the job....
If you believe that Medicare should be abolished and vouchers should be used....
  you need to vote for Republican Josh Mandel, Ohio's often absent Treasurer.

However, if you believe equal pay for women,
.....reproductive freedom for women,
....more money should go into public schools from the state, increases for the wealthy,
.....President Obama saved the American auto industry and thousands of Ohio jobs,
.....workers have the right to bargain for safety on the job,
.....Medicare should remain as it is, and women that are members of the LGBT community should have rights too,
......that the rich should not be able to buy elections,
Vote for Sherrod Brown for U.S. Senate.