Sunday, July 08, 2012

Mandel: Parroting Right Wing Mantra

The headline in the Canton Repository got my attention because it was absolutely ridiculous--- "Ohio Treasurer Mandel Knows Way to More Jobs":

Josh Mandel, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, visited the Repository on Friday to discuss his philosophy behind his jobs plan.

He believes the federal government will create more jobs by getting rid of regulations rather than passing new laws.....

What a bunch of ____ (fill in the blank)!

When Josh Mandel walks into a newspaper or media outlet for an interview, he does the talking (mostly repeating the talking points he has memorized). A reporter or editor should be cautioned ----please, please, please, don't ask him any questions that require any depth, explanation, or something outside the realm of his talking points. 

Josh Mandel probably hasn't really thought through any of the proposals his right wing talking puppet masters have given him. Josh Mandel wants to get rid of any regulations for clean air, water, and environment.  Is Josh Mandel willing to gamble your child's health so that -
(1) his investments in stocks will increase (see Marion Star for his portfolio),
(2) his campaign contributors that are major polluters will get richer,
(3) and his right wing talking point suppliers will love him forever.

Behind all of this is Josh Mandel's plan to not only get rid of regulations but to also give major tax cuts to the rich, top 1% contributors that have supported his campaign when regular citizens did not.

The only people Mandel will provide new jobs would be himself, and his fraternity pals (and their relatives), camp friends, high school and college buddies, kids of lobbyists (like someone in his Treasurer's office), and his campaign workers. You and I would not benefit from any Mandel/tea party Republican proposal.  If you  believe anything Mandel says, I'd like to show you some swampland......

Our U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown is working for all of us.  Sherrod Brown has help farmers, working men and women, college students, the elderly, pet owners, veterans, etc.  Sen. Sherrod Brown cares about his constituents.