Monday, October 17, 2005

Deborah Pryce Raising Money to Defeat RON

The Ohio Republicans are very worried about losing the power they have in the state. The corruption that the GOP has created in the Ohio government is second to none. However, they don't see it as corruption or ethics violations. They see it as power. The GOP does not want to give up the power and money that they have gained from the people and businesses of Ohio.

Now comes word that powerful Republicans in Ohio are raising money to defeat the statewide issues called Reform Ohio Now (RON). They are very afraid that fair voting and equal districts will create an atmosphere that would force them to run a campaign and debate an opponent. Who are the GOP big shots who are trying to defeat RON? Rep. Paul Gillmor who represents Old Fort, Ohio but actually lives in Dublin, is working against RON. The other prominent Republican is Deborah Pryce of the 15th district. Pryce who has been very tight with Tom DeLay (DeLay is under indictment for money laundering), is the 4th ranking Republican in the House. She might have to give up those lucrative campaign field trips to Aspen if she loses her next election.
"Sean Spicer, spokesman for Rep. Deborah Pryce of suburban Columbus, said Monday that the Republican congresswoman was raising money against the ballot initiative on redistricting."
And additional supporting evidence:

It is time for the citizens of Ohio to take back the state from the ethically-challenged GOP. Let me remind you of some of the scandals that the Ohio GOP has brought us: Tom Noe and Coingate, millions of dollars missing from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Comp., Diebold election problems, Bob Ney, Gov. Taft's ethics problems and golfgate, and our huge job losses created by incompetent leadership. Vote for Issues 2,3,4, & 5.